Delivery: Add association between task and delivery record (events)

To prepare for an event, deliver asset for an event all require tasks to be completed. It makes sense to link tasks to delivery record. So automatic validation/checking can be performed.

Suggested by Sophia Kim, Hornets @Sarah Koontz

Also by Tottenham @Alex Hay

  • Sarah Koontz
  • Nov 8 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Duncan Howells commented
    27 Apr, 2020 03:44pm

    Raised again today by Tottenham - want the link between tasks and events so they can easily view all tasks associated to an event for internal reports / operations

  • John Rodriguez commented
    18 Nov, 2019 08:08pm

    Agreed and have same idea in that the completion of a task should prompt the user to have the option of scheduling or delivering assets at the same point