Pre-Define Revenue by Division, Pro-Rate Selling Rates Accordingly

When building a deal sheet that includes assets from multiple divisions/properties, the desired revenue split is often different from what the deal sheet will spit out.

For example, you could have a $500K deal that includes assets for your NHL team, NBA team and your arena. Let's say based on the assets you put in the deal, the resulting revenue split is $300K, $150K and $50K respectively. However, your finance team wants the split to be $200K, $200K and $100K. You could raise and lower selling rates until you get to those figures, but it wouldn't be an effective use of time.

One alternative would be to build a separate deal sheet for each property, so maybe this is what some clubs do (maybe we should be doing this). However, I think it's best to keep everything in a deal in one place whenever possible.

My thought is to have multiple "Annual Gross" boxes for the multiple divisions in a deal. You would be able to pre-define your revenue by division (or "calculate based on selling rate" by division) and then all of the inventory from that division in the deal would pro-rate separately from the inventory from other divisions. This function seems to already be in place for deals with multiple seasons (i.e. Regular Season and Playoffs).

  • Keanen Buckley
  • Jun 11 2019
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Marc Roots commented
    14 Feb, 2020 05:34pm

    Hi Keanen, this is actually an advanced feature in our product that you could leverage. Please work with your success rep for configuring Division Allocations in your Deal Manager.