Event allocations, inventory, and scheduling

The system does not give a partnership marketing member the flexibility to schedule the assets as they are activated. The event list makes sense from an inventory perspective but not for allocating and scheduling the inventory item. For example, I include one autograph item for two events meaning a total allocation of two items. We don’t enter it as two items for one event because that restricts us to scheduling those two items to a single date despite the fact the execution of the items might be multiple dates. BUT if you schedule it the opposite way (one item for two events) and we end up delivering the items all at once, you can’t schedule them both on the same day because of the system identifying two events. While the event system makes sense for maintaining inventory, it does not make sense for allocation / scheduling with partnership marketing members. A high degree of flexibility is required for activation. 

  • Peter Wiggum
  • May 9 2019
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Marc Roots commented
    14 Feb, 2020 05:25pm

    Hi Peter - please work with your success reps on using "Banked" inventory - I think that concept will apply for your use-case here.