On the Sponsorship Module's Deal Wizard, there is a dropdown choice for the first-season Sale Type. Currently, the options are Renewal, New and Existing.
However ... there shouldn't typically be any business reason for the first season's Sale Type to be Existing. The only options should, in actuality, be just New and Renewal. This is how we typically train on the product, anyway.
Then, the subsequent seasons of the deal would be automatically either Existing or Renewal, based on the setting choice of that particular organization.
This request is to limit the options on the first-season Sale Type to only just New and Renewal.
Thanks for submitting the idea. There are cases where Existing for First Season Sale Type is needed. For example:
- Deal Sheet 10001 spans 2017 - 2020
- In year three of deal the team amends contract and internal business practice is to create a new deal sheet for amendment
- Now Deal Sheet 10002 is created for 2019 - 2020
- Based on how an organization views this revenue internally, this newly created deal sheet could be labeled as Existing