Expand Suites "Apply Events" Functionality

This is an important feature request for the premium module that needs to be submitted.

In the Premium Module, we have a button on the Event List to “Apply Additional Events to Premium Deals”. Right now this does the action somewhat blindly without giving the user any idea of what is about to happen and no confirmation that it actually worked.

My request is to add an intermediate step and a results screen for this action.

1. When I click the button, can we open a window to show all deals that are valid for this action. This window should also show which Events are about to be added to these deals. It could be one event that was just added or it could have been multiple events but the user should know which event(s) and which deals are in question here. The grid of deals should show the deal number, partner, and locations.

2. Ideally this window selects all the applicable deals by default but allows you to uncheck certain deals to allow you to “opt out” certain deals if they shouldn’t get these new events for any reason.

3. When the user confirms and clicks PROCESS, this should bring up a processing window similar to our inventory import screen. Once it completes, the user can view a summary in case there were any errors.


Marc Roots (mroots@KOREsoftware.com)
Director of Implementations

+1.212.858.9700 (office)
+1.718.710.3431 (cell)

KORE Software is a division of KORE Interactive (USA), Inc. Please visit us at www.KOREsoftware.com (http://www.koresoftware.com/)

  • Guest
  • Sep 16 2016
  • Future consideration
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