To-Do List Calendar View

A calendar view of the To-Do List that shows a 3-5 day window chosen by the user, whichever makes sense given space.  Each Day will have a grouping that is chosen by the user.  The fields we’d like to see for grouping options would be 1. Status Reason 2. Customer Type 3. Sale Type 4. Product 5. Color Code. 

Within the same view if the user hovers over the grouping, having the ability to see the Campaign Name and Contact Name within a second grouping field would add the ability to have future planning capability (see graphic mock up).

The next thing would be that if the user double clicks on a day of the week or just on one grouping it would then show the To-Do List filtered with that grouping or day only.  So, for tomorrow if the user has 10 with a status reason as Reached Out: No Conversation and the user double clicked on the group it would only those 10 in the result set and allow the user to start going through the list.

  • Jared Carlisle
  • Oct 9 2018
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    5 Jul, 2022 08:29pm

    Hi! My name is Mark Kerouac

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  • Sandra Hunt commented
    16 Dec, 2021 01:57pm

    If you interested creative Lego creations or you collect own favorite Lego series, welcome to our Lego fan blog where you find latest news on Lego and more.

  • Guest commented
    20 Oct, 2021 06:25pm

    Hi everyone! I'm George Martin

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  • Guest commented
    20 Oct, 2021 06:24pm

    If you interested in creative Lego builds or you collect own favorite Lego series, welcome to our Lego fan blog where you find latest news on Lego and more.