Currently you are able to bulk schedule or deliver assets. Can we create a new option to mass update assets to show one's that should not be executed? Our team is creating a comment for each asset and have asked about having an additional field or way to bulk edit. This creates additional work in auditing execution dates.
This is 50% implemented. Currently, you can create a custom status & label each asset as such. "In progress" , "do not implement", whatever you choose to configure.
However, we do not have the ability to bulk change that status at this time.
Hi Eric - thanks for the suggestion. We are working on a similar concept right now so I wanted to ask a quick question that should help some of our upcoming design and potentially help you with this suggestion.
If we were to add a new Delivery Reason option to reflect that this asset could not or should not be scheduled/executed, would you want the asset to be calculated as 100% completed and reflect in the overall deal completion percentage as "100%"? We'd obviously be able to see the Delivery Reason in reporting but I want to see how you'd treat completion percentages in this case.