Additional notes from past conversation: Just for clarification – unlike for Hornets events, the main manifest for arena events that are sold through the host are not tied to a corresponding event in Archtics. Only the luxury manifest (which is not sold through the host for arena events) is created in Archtics. As such, there is no DIGIT connection, nor any actual sales written into the normal v_ticket/v_ticket_expanded tables. All host sales for arena events only appear in the v_retail_non-ticket data view in Archtics
Additional notes from past conversation: Just for clarification – unlike for Hornets events, the main manifest for arena events that are sold through the host are not tied to a corresponding event in Archtics. Only the luxury manifest (which is not sold through the host for arena events) is created in Archtics. As such, there is no DIGIT connection, nor any actual sales written into the normal v_ticket/v_ticket_expanded tables. All host sales for arena events only appear in the v_retail_non-ticket data view in Archtics