KorePss - SyncedContacts Table Update

We came across an instance where we needed to match a list of Salesforce ID’s to their respective Archtic ID’s, and decided to use the table syncedcontacts that’s a part of the KorePss schema to accomplish that. Further inspection revealed that the field kore_accountnumbers, where all of the Archtic id’s reside, is only a varchar(50). Since there are a number of Salesforce id’s with more than 50 characters worth of Archtic id’s (essentially a one-to-many relationship), this field cuts off without providing all of the information. Is there any way we can get this field expanded and the table refreshed so that the entire string of id’s fits in the field size?

For example, if you run this query on that table:

select firstname, lastname, email, sf_contactid, kore_accountnumbers, len(kore_accountnumbers) as "lenny" from korepss.syncedcontacts where kore_accountnumbers is not null order by lenny desc

you’ll see the account id strings getting cut off. For example, our customer Timothy Sharp has 9 Archtics ID’s associated with his account. The field has an arbitrary character limit on it, so only 5 full ID’s along with a single digit from the next account is in the table. Please see the pictures attached for reference.

  • Guest
  • Apr 6 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    13 Apr, 2021 05:59pm

    @KORE Any idea how long this will take to implement? Originally requested this through support three weeks ago on March 23rd. Was sent here and haven't received any communication since.